Sunday, November 23, 2008

More dolls... and patience!

What is the worth of my work? I bought a Kirsten doll for 33 dollars, and fixed her up. I agreed to sell her below what I should to a woman for $65 all fixed up and with 2 outfits. Then she wanted the wig removed and special work done to her to make her look like her daughter. She wants me to sell it to her for $60. Like an idiot, I agreed. I want to back out now. How can I do this to myself?

Here are some before and after shots of this Kirsten:


Karies place said...

You have done some beautiful jobs on these dolls.

Karie (LDFR)

Dana said...

Beautiful! I wish I'd figured out how to repair dolls before I threw out Alyssa's old ones.