Friday, May 9, 2008

Mother's Day, Trials, and Dolls of the World

I was dusting my living room, trying to reach the top of the bookcase, which is always a trial for me! Bookcases, refrigerators, cabinets, whatever! I don't know why I bother to dust or clean them since I can't see them. Being short has it's benefits. Carefully I removed the small dolls sitting on top of the bookcase to dust them, and I paused to really look at them. They are small, clean, and delicate. I imagine my mother when she bought them for me...

It was a tough time in our life, I was about 8 or 9 years old. Mom and dad had split up and we were living with my Aunt Sylvia. Mom had to have felt heartbroken and sad, but she had two children to take care of and she was determined to make the best of things and take care of us.

Mom went to a school to learn to be a telephone operator, but somehow I never knew this. Maybe it was because, as a small child, I could not comprehend the responsibility my mother had for Bud and I. Maybe it was because, as a small child, I had enough to do to simply go to school, come home, and adjust to living in a new environment without my father. But mostly, I believe it had to do with my mother.

Every morning mom was there to help me dress, get my breakfast, and get me off to school. And as I left the yard to make my way, my mother stood at the end of the driveway and watched me walk down the road. I would often look back and see her standing there, and seeing her there gave me an extra boost of comfort. Then, as I came in the door each day, she was there to greet me. She would help me with my books and offer me an after school snack. If I needed to talk, she was always there. And somehow, when I was sick, she was there to care for me too. This is why it came to me as a surprise when I learned years later that my mother actually worked and went to school.

And that is why, when I look at those dolls, I remember my mother's sacrifice. It was during this period of time that my mother would bring me a "doll of the world" each time she filled up her car each week. "Arco" gas station, also known as "Atlantic Richfield", had a promotion of 12 "Dolls of the World" you could buy for a dollar each time you filled up with gas. Mom had to be counting her pennies at this time. As a child I could not see this, but as an adult I understand that my mother had to be very afraid. How could she provide for her children when she barely had a high school education? How could she relieve the burden she must have felt she was putting on her sister at this time?
And yet, her thoughts were always toward the well-being and happiness of her children. She felt that bringing me one of these dolls each time she filled up would bring me a small measure of joy during this difficult time in all of our lives. Mom's thoughts were always towards her children's happiness and well-being before her own.

Mom made many sacrifices for Bud and I, and I am grateful for the lessons she has taught me. I hope I can measure up to her tall example!

I love you, mom.

1 comment:

Karies place said...

That was a sweet post. Good memories of your mom.
